March 5, 2008

Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!

I really love that quote from Robert Schuller. Think about it ~ "tough times never last, but tough people do". This seems to have become my motto in life. If you were to ask me if I'm tough, I would honestly have to say that sometimes I'm tougher than at other times. Are you "tough" when it comes to this crazy Internet business?


Affiliate Marketing Without a Website

Having your own website to promote your affiliate products is a good option. But it is not necessary. There are many methods available that can be used to do your affiliate marketing business. The list is long, but the most important methods are email marketing, writing articles to e-groups, joining online discussions etc.


Investment Scams On The Internet

Since the year 2004, there has been a sharp increase in the amount of investment spam we are receiving in our inbox. I personally receive up to 10 emails per day containing offers or lures to invest in various scams. It is estimated that millions of dollars are lost every year by people who have invested money in something they read about in an email.


Designing Your Website for Affiliate Marketing

If you want to start marketing as an affiliate then you need to have your own website. This is the main requirement to start your online business. Your website does not have to be loaded with graphics, but it does need to be informative, simple and professional.


Finding Affiliate Program Providers

There are at least 10,000 affiliate program providers out there, if you consider each company or individual which markets products through affiliates. They should provide you with tools to sell their products, such as text ads and banners. When you are looking for affiliate program providers, you want to take into account what they offer their affiliates.


Good Ways To Show Appreciation To Commentators On Your Blog

There is a lot of debate going on in the online world about how you should show your appreciation to commentators on your blog. Some people think that you should show your appreciation by sending thank you emails or messages that make them feel important and involved with blog discussions. Others disagree with this belief and think that sending out thank you messages have more of a negative influence than a positive one.
